The Blog
Acupuncture for Fertility and the Cortisol Connection
One of the many reasons my patients come for acupuncture during their fertility treatments is to reduce the stress that accompanies infertility treatments. Patients often tell me it’s the one time in their week they get to vent their frustrations, bounce ideas of what to do next off of me, and then lay quietly in a dark room uninterrupted with soothing music for twenty minutes. One recently said it’s like getting therapy and a massage all at once.
Four Strategies to Keep Your Health and Wits About you over the Holiday Season
It’s that time of year…amongst the positives can also be some negatives. The likeliness of getting colds and flus, going off your regular diet, stress, busy days and an overabundance of good cheer or the opposite – isolation or loneliness over the holidays – can wreak havoc on your health and wellbeing. Here are a few strategies to get the most enjoyment out of the holidays without paying a high price in health, energy and emotions!