In-Vitro Fertilization
In-Vitro Fertilization or IVF can be both scary and hopeful all at the same time. For some, it's a great option and for others it can be the only option for conception. Numerous studiess have shown Acupuncture can help make all aspects of the cycle go better. Our team at HAC pioneered bringing Acupuncture to all the major fertility clinics in Philadelphia since 2001 have been a guide and partner to patients through over 3500 IVF cycles.
Acupuncture may provide for a better response during stimulation & an increase in implantation and live birth rate in IVF cycles.
How can we help? Research has shown that Acupuncture can greatly enhance the success rates of IVF. A recent meta-analysis in the British Medical Journal showed that women undergoing IVF that added Acupuncture to their treatment, particularly around embryo transfer, had significantly higher success rates in clinical pregnancy, fewer number of cycles needed, higher ongoing pregnancy and live birth rates.
Our own statistics kept diligently over the last decade (compared to SART data of our local area) shows a net positive of 8-12% higher live birth rates than IVF done alone. This includes cycles that are fresh OR frozen (FET), and when combined with Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidies (PGT-A) or with Donor Egg or Embryo. We also work with surrogates who are receiving the embryo transfer to boost implantation.
“On top of the success rates, those going through IVF said they had less stress, felt more listened to and had more resiliency to keep going till they finally achieved a pregnancy. ”
Acupuncture for IVF Retrieval Cycles
Acupuncture takes a bit of time to build in your system to provide the best effect. We recommend patients begin weekly acupuncture 1-2 months prior to starting prescribed follicle stimulation medications (4-8 treatments). If you’re starting late in the process, no problem! Just come twice weekly to get on track. If you’ve responded poorly to IVF meds in the past, consider starting 2-3 months prior for the best effect.
Stimulation Phase
From that first shot to trigger, stimulation can go from 8-16 days with 10-12 being average. We’ve found the best results happen when Acupuncture occurs within the first day or two of starting and then every 3-4 days till the trigger shot. Treatments vary but may include electro-acupuncture (e-stim). If needed, a treatment 2 days post retrieval can be helpful for recovery, especially for those with mild to moderate hyper-stimulation (OHSS).
Increase ovarian blood flow to recruit more follicles (and get more good quality eggs)
Reduce side effects of simulation medications
Modulate the body’s stress response to improve outcomes AND reduce anxiety
Guide patient understanding of their response and expectations
Acupuncture for IVF Embryo Transfer
If you’re just starting, we recommend weekly acupuncture 4 weeks prior to starting estrogen treatment for a medicated Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET). For a natural FET, begin acupuncture 4 weeks prior to the menstrual cycle.
If you were doing acupuncture prior, resume weekly treatments 2 weeks prior to starting estrogen for a medicated FET or 2 weeks prior to the menstrual cycle for a natural FET.
Patients continue weekly acupuncture until embryo transfer.
Transfer Day & Post
Acupuncture on the day of embryo transfer is highly recommended. Our office works with all the fertility clinics in the area and can conveniently perform this treatment on site at their facilities right before transfer. If a patient would prefer to do it in our office, treatment should be done either the morning of or the evening before.
Patients receive post-transfer acupuncture 4-7 days after transfer. We generally recommend 4-5 days after a Day 5 transfer, and 7 days after a Day 3 transfer.
Increase uterine blood flow to increase implantation
Help thicken and convert uterine lining
Reduce side effects of estrogen and progesterone
Modulate the body’s stress response to improve outcomes AND reduce anxiety
Guide patient understanding of their response and expectations
In many cases, we recommend that you begin treatment about a month prior to the commencement of the IVF retrieval cycle to ensure you get the most out of it. If you've already begun stimulation, or are gearing up for an FET, acupuncture can still have a positive impact and we will simply accelerate the schedule so you can get the most benefit.
Yes! If your clinic is within 30 miles of Philadelphia, we can be there (and some exceptions have been made for further out clinics)! Our team is available 365 days a year, and currently serves Penn Fertility, Main Line Fertility, RMA of Philadelphia, Shady Grove, Society Hill Reproductive, Abington Reproductive, South Jersey IVF, Delaware Valley IVF, Dr. Manara CRM and Reproductive Associates of Delaware (though we work with many patients from Cooper Institute, they currently don't allow on site Acupuncture to any providers).
As soon as you know the estimated date of your transfer, reach out and let us know (don’t forget to let the clinic know you’re working with us as well!). You can click the “Text Us” icon on the bottom right or just call 2156273782. Most clinics will give the exact timing of your transfer the day before. Once you know this, reach out again and we’ll let you know the timing for acupuncture, follow up instructions and which of our providers will meet you at your clinic.
In the past, the standard for Acupuncturists was to do a treatment both before and after the embryo transfer. Our own research over the last decade combined with recent retrospective studies has shown a modified, single treatment immediately beforehand is actually more successful than the old before and after protocol (Paulus et al). That is now our gold standard and why we no longer offer before/after treatments. Why do something that isn’t as good after all! You can read more about it here on our blog post: 15 Years of Acupuncture & IVF at HAC
Hullender Rubin LE et al. Impact of whole systems traditional Chinese medicine on in-vitro fertilization outcomes. Reprod Biomed Online. 2015 Jun;30(6):602-12
“The [Whole Systems Traditional Chinese Medicine] group was associated with more live births compared with both groups when adjusted for the covariates of previous IVF cycle, age, and gonadotrophin dosage…More live births were associated with WS-TCM compared with embryo transfer acupuncture only…and when compared with IVF alone.
Magarelli PC et al. Changes in serum cortisol and prolactin associated with acupuncture during controlled ovarian hyperstimulation in women undergoing in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer treatment. Fertil Steril. 2009 Dec;92(6):1870-9
“In this study, there appears to be a beneficial regulation of cortisol and prolactin in the Acupuncture group during the medication phase of the IVF treatment with a trend toward more normal fertile cycle dynamics.”
Eric Manheimer, et al. Effects of acupuncture on rates of pregnancy and live birth among women undergoing in vitro fertilisation: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ 2008; 336
“Current preliminary evidence suggests that acupuncture given with embryo transfer improves rates of pregnancy and live birth among women undergoing in vitro fertilisation.”
Xie ZY et al. The effects of acupuncture on pregnancy outcomes of in vitro fertilization: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2019 Jun 14;19(1):131
“Our analysis finds a benefit of acupuncture for IVF outcomes in women with a history of unsuccessful IVF attempt, and number of acupuncture treatments is a potential influential factor.”