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Why I Worry About Our Postpartum Moms
Intuitive Wellness By Guest Blogger, Melissa Weinberg
Intuition is a natural gift we all have inside of us. It is the ability to understand immediately, without reasoning. The instinctive voice that guides you to be true to yourself and offers clarity when you are seeking answers. In particular, it can be a powerful tool in helping us better understand our health and what our body truly needs to achieve optimal wellbeing.
PCOS: Working Towards Fertility AND a Normal Life
Having symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome can make life feel anything but normal. Having no idea if or when your period is on its way, abnormal hair growth, acne, fatigue and difficulty maintaining a healthy weight can all cause extreme distress. If you do start trying to conceive, those first few months can feel like you’re chasing a moving target, and that’s assuming you’re actually ovulating (which not everyone with PCOS does). It all adds up to a decreased quality of life that many women have a hard time finding answers and solutions for.
A Solution for the Aches & Pains of Pregnancy? By Guest Blogger, Kaitlin Cleary
“Yea, that’s normal.”
A common, though not comforting, refrain pregnant women often hear when they tell a doctor or a midwife about the ever-changing symptoms they experience throughout the 9 months they’re sharing their body with another human. As a first-timer, I was particularly upset when I heard this from my midwife as I described the sharp, shooting pain running down my backside any time I moved. I had heard it in my other visits when I answered the question, “so, how are you feeling?” but this time was different – this was completely debilitating, and it being normal wasn’t going to cut it.
Self-Care During Pregnancy
When you are expecting a baby, your mental and physical well-being is often considered secondary to that of the life growing inside of you. However, taking the time to nurture yourself will have many positive effects on both you and your baby’s health. Pregnancy is a perfect opportunity to indulge and engage in self-care; all while doing what is also best for your baby. Here are some tips to help you maintain your balance throughout your pregnancy.
Four Strategies to Keep Your Health and Wits About you over the Holiday Season
It’s that time of year…amongst the positives can also be some negatives. The likeliness of getting colds and flus, going off your regular diet, stress, busy days and an overabundance of good cheer or the opposite – isolation or loneliness over the holidays – can wreak havoc on your health and wellbeing. Here are a few strategies to get the most enjoyment out of the holidays without paying a high price in health, energy and emotions!