Featured Press

Philadelphia Magazine Top Doctors 2021


For partners Dr. Steven Rosenzweig & Dr. Jerrold A. Friedman

Best of Philly Acupuncture 2017 Philadelphia Magazine


Best of Philly 2017: Acupuncture

Philadelphia Family Love Award Winner 2019


Acupuncture with Steven Mavros


Steve Interviewed on NBC 10 for Infertility Art Exhibition

‘Cradling Creativity’ Infertility Art Show Opens in Old City

Interview with Steven Mavros, L.OM.

It’s a subject very few people openly discuss, but a new exhibit at the Old City Jewish Arts Center is helping those who struggle with infertility talk about their pain. NBC10’s Erin Coleman sits down with “Cradling Creativity — The Art of Infertility in Philadelphia” organizer, Steven Mavros, to talk about the art show. READ MORE >

Egg and Sperm Picture for Mainline Today Waiting For Babies Podcast

Mainline Today

Local Podcast Helps Shed Light on the Struggles of Infertility

Created by Steve Mavros, “Waiting for Babies” explores the challenges facing couples who can’t conceive.
For Steve Corey, Oct. 16, 2013, is a date that will live in infamy. It’s the day his testicles were cut open. That sounds bad—and it was. It was, however, a surgical procedure, and Steve was unconscious during the slice and dice. READ MORE >

Steve Interviewed by CBS3 for Acupuncture With Refugees

CBS News

Brotherly Love: Healing Help For Refugees And Immigrants

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – Once a week, a Philadelphia acupuncturist brings his skills to people who are new to this country. Steven Mavros has studied around the world and speaks several languages. As an American, Mavros wants to help others who are becoming American, too.


Philly.com Readers Choice Winner 2015

BEST CHIROPRACTOR- Dr. Barry Silverman

New Dad Goes to Healing Arts Community Acupuncture

Philadelphia Magazine

The Quest for Calm: A New Dad Tries Three of Philly’s Top Relaxation Technique

A new dad in Philadelphia went in search of the best ways to find calm in our city – and he was pleasantly surprised with his acupuncture session. READ MORE >

Billy Penn Who's Next Steven Mavros

BILLY PENN | Who’s Next

Philly acupuncturist Steve Mavros wants to bring infertility challenges mainstream with new podcast

Steven Mavros is trying to educate America on how to talk about infertility, and he’s doing so by letting couples tell their stories on a new podcast. He’s also been busy with opening up a new office for his acupuncture work. And this fall, he’s organizing an art exhibit in Old City called the Art of Infertility. READ MORE >

Billy Penn Who's Next Health Steven Mavros

BILLY PENN | Who’s Next

Who’s Next Health and Fitness: 13 young people helping Philly feel good

Our Co-Founder, Steven Mavros, was featured in Billy Penn’s “Who’s Next” for his work as an acupuncturist. READ MORE >

If you are a member of the media and would like to cover The Healing Arts Center, please email us at staff@healingphilly.com