Pregnancy & Post-Partum

The benefits of acupuncture and integrative medicine don’t stop with a positive pregnancy test. At HAC we continue care all the way through the 4th trimester (also known as postpartum). The goal isn’t just a healthy birth. It’s also a healthy mom afterwards!

We already know the first question you’re going to ask. Yes, acupuncture is completely safe during pregnancy - and there has been good research to show this. Just make sure that you see an acupuncturist that is trained in maternity / pregnancy acupuncture.

Acupuncture for early Pregnancy & the First Trimester


Seeing that pregnancy test turn positive can bring mixed emotions; joy and celebration but also anxiety and worry. For those who took an extended period of time to conceive, or with a history of miscarriage, waiting for that next blood test or ultrasound can be harrowing.  It can also bring with it reassuring but not always fun symptoms including fatigue, nausea, vomiting, constipation and cramping.  

What are some examples of what acupuncture can do in the first trimester? 

  • Promote pregnancy and prevent early miscarriage

  • Alleviate morning sickness

  • Reduce fatigue

  • Promote Regular Bowel Movements

  • Reduce Stress & Anxiety

  • We prefer to see patients weekly through the First Trimester to have the best effect.

Acupuncture for Pregnancy & The Second Trimester

Once those first 12-13 weeks have passed, the chance of miscarriage drops, and many begin to feel better physically. The second trimester can be easier and many can return to more normal activities as their body and baby slowly start to grow. 

Typically we recommend a more modest regiment of acupuncture for the second trimester with treatments about once a month. Some patients want or need to come more frequently depending on how their symptoms, what their history of pregnancy is and complications they may have.

What are some examples of what acupuncture can do in the second trimester? 

  • Relieve Headaches

  • Relieve Constipation

  • Help Control and Prevent Hypertension / Pre-eclampsia

  • Ease Back & Hip pain

  • Promote Sleep & Reduce Insomnia

  • Calm Anxiety & Stress

  • Relieve Carpal tunnel syndrome

  • Calm PUPPPS (skin itching)

  • Reduce Swelling

  • Reduce Fatigue


Acupuncture for Pregnancy & The Second Trimester

Acupuncture for Sciatica Back Pain in Pregnancy

“Not only did it offer a very tangible solution to my problem, it was time I took for myself – to sit in a quiet room, to have people care for my well-being and to just simply connect with my body.”

Read Kaitlin’s Story About Sciatica and Back Pain in Her 2nd & 3rd Trimester

Acupuncture for Pregnancy & The Third Trimester


Everything gets a little bigger and less comfortable in the Third Trimester as the mother’s body heads towards preparing for labor. It usually starts off easy but gets more difficult as 40 weeks approaches.  We recommend patients maintain their monthly treatments either until symptoms start getting stronger or they approach the 36th week. At that point we return to weekly treatments to prepare for labor. 

What are some examples of what acupuncture can do in the third trimester? 

  • Relieve Body Aches

  • Ease Back & Hip pain

  • Calm Sciatica

  • Relieve Carpal tunnel syndrome

  • Reduce Swelling in the Hands & Feet

  • Calm Anxiety & Stress

  • Turn Breech positioning (please note the earlier treatment begins for this, the more likely it can be successful. We incorporate both acupuncture and moxibustion for treating this) 

  • Labor Preparation and Induction

Acupuncture for Postpartum & The Fourth Trimester

Delivering a baby is like running back to back marathons and requires tremendous rest and recovery afterwards. Our first goal is to help you get to the 6 week follow up with your doctor in the best shape you can. Full recovery can take up to 3-6 months, especially after c-section or a tough delivery, and we can provide extra support and connect you with resources along the way. 

What are some examples of what acupuncture can do for Postpartum & the Fourth Trimester?

  • Increase Energy

  • Calm Postpartum anxiety

  • Relieve Postpartum depression

  • Promote Lactation for Breastfeeding

  • Ease Urinary incontinence

  • Ease the Reintroduction of Exercise & Movement


Acupuncture for Postpartum & The Fourth Trimester

Start Your Journey to
A Healthy Pregnancy